Editing of anniversary lists

With anYChe it is no problem to edit multiple lists with different anniversaries. This way you can manage different lists for birthdays of your colleagues or your family members.

New ...  New ...: You can create a new anniversary list. You can activate this option by

Open ...  Open ...: You can open an existing anniversary list. Moreover it is possible to open lists of the good old BirthdayChecker. Please be aware of the important hints at the bottom of the page.

Save  Save: With this option you can save the currently selected anniversary list.

Save as ...  Save as ...: With this option you can save the currently selected list of anniversaries under a different name. The original file is kept unchanged on your harddisk.

Rename ...  Rename ...: With this option you can define a new name on the tab of the currently selected anniversary list. anYChe ensures that a name is not used twice.

Close  Close: With this option you can close the currently selected list of anniversaries. If you have edited the list you will be asked if you want to save the changes before closing. This way you can reopen the list later without any dataloss.

Important hints for opening an existing file

If you want to create a new list or open an existing list you will see the following window.


Name: In this field you must a enter a unique name, which will appear on the tab of the list. You can rename the list later.

File: You can enter the filename. It's recommended, that you use the ending ".nyc" for a new file. But you can also type in the name of old files of the program BirthdayChecker. Alternatively you can choose a file simply by opening the file dialog and selecting a file.

Encoding: This field is only available when opening an existing file. New files are saved as UTF-8, so this option makes no sense. When opening an existing file, anYChe do not know, which encoding is used for special characters like german Umlaute. Therefore you can define the encoding of the file. On Windows platforms this can be UTF-8, CP1252 or CP850.

If anYChe has problems reading all lines of a file, you will be informed about the number of lines, which could not be read successfully. In this case it is recommended to close the file and reopen it with another encoding.